A limitation found in phase one of the experiment was the modeling of the virtual room was derived from the information present in the original experiment report from 1990, some details were approximated. Therefore the replica is the most detailed possible limited by the description and diagrams given in the report. Another limitation is that unlike Mikellides’ sample count of 24 participants only 1 participant was able to go through the virtual reality replica. Another limitation is the sensors for the EEG were placed as closely as possible to the experiment but are not quite in the same position since the EEG sensors are in a pre-set hard frame.
The analysis of the results for the second phase have not shown the desired results of a clear difference between the full saturation rooms versus the half saturation rooms while there is a small difference of 5.15% between the low saturation rooms and the high saturation rooms. There is a higher average of arousal in the full saturation rooms than in the half saturation rooms; the analysis also showed no difference in between the different hues. These results have to be reinforced with further tests of different participants to statistically validate them. Limitations to this research are the time participants are exposed to the different room colours. Each participant was exposed to each room colour for sixty seconds, adding up to a total of 7m 40s inside the virtual reality, therefore roughly ten minutes in total including placing and removing the sensors. The exposure time could be increased in the future to provide longer reaction times. As well as extending time inside of the virtual reality experience, a longer baseline could be taken of participants with the headset turned off to create a baseline to compare results to.
A limitation with the testing was the external audio of the space where participants were tested. Since the testing was in an open office area, there was a lot of external sounds from the surrounding environment. This could have affected the reactions recorded. For future experiments the external audio should be monitored to see if there were correlations between the audio and the sensor data. It would also be beneficial for results if the testing was done in a closed room so that external audio could be controlled as well as providing privacy to the participant. Since being in an open exposed area could cause altered reactions from self awareness.
To increase statistical validity the order of coloured rooms should be altered to have a variety of reactions to results, nullifying the possibility that results decrease across time due to getting used to the experience.